Saturday, December 30, 2017

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

What is SEO?
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a method used to increase the traffic on a webpage. To increase the traffic, search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, should index the webpage or basically find the page and show it at the top of the search results. It is basically designing or architecting the webpage that meets the requirements of search engines.
 So, SEO is basically optimizing a webpage, so as to increase its visibility in the search results.

Why is SEO necessary?
Every Website or Blog Owner needs traffic on their webpage. Every content producer needs genuine audiences to appreciate their work or study their work. Every service provider needs peoples to access their services. Every Seller needs Buyer to purchase their products. Today, in this digital age, almost everything is on the web. So, every website or blog has an address or more specifically a domain address (e.g., and not every individual knows about all the address. So, we need a helper to assist us in finding the websites or blogs that meet our needs. And they are Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

For Website or Blog owners, Search engines are the roads to their audiences. The better they optimize their websites or blogs, the better is their chance to appear at the top of search results. Audiences, don’t generally search page by page. The 1st page of Google search provides enough resources to the audiences, to satisfy them not to click the next page. In this way, If your website or blog is on the First page of the search results, it gets more traffic and ultimately it gets popular. 

How Do Search Engines work?
Search Engines basically performs two important functions:
1. Crawling and Building the Index.
2. Providing Search Users with a ranked list of websites.

So, the major goal of search engines is to accumulate all the websites present on the web in their databases, ranking those websites in order of their Popularity and also their relevancy, and present them in ranked order to the search user.

Search Engines use Crawlers or Spiders to crawl all over the Web and fetch all the links in their databases. Crawlers are Computer Bots, whose primary responsibility is to reach many billions of interconnected documents on the web. Crawlers primarily visit pages known to them already, from there they visit other pages with the help of links present on the current page and thereby visits many other pages through links.

Once the Engines find these pages, they store them in their massive databases, to be recalled later when needed for a search query. The search engines have constructed datacenters all over the world so that pages can be accessed in a fraction of seconds by the search users.

As soon as the user searches a query, engines look for keywords in the searched query and then find those keywords associated with pages in their databases, rank those results on the basis of their relevance and popularity and present the list to the user. Search Engines runs their search algorithms very fast in order to provide users, the relevant results.

How to Optimize our Website?
Optimizing a Website is a huge topic. You can find many tutorials or courses available on the Web to help you with it. Here, I will tell you some very basic tips to qualify for a good Website or Blog.
Firstly, know that Search Engines Changes their search Algorithms very often, so don’t be surprised if the same page of yours had a different rank previously than it has now.

Now, Some Tips to qualify for a good Website:
1. Use Original content. Make it useful for the Audiences.
2. Your Website should have a proper navigation and Hierarchy.
3. Your Websites should have Pages like Privacy Policy, Contact Us, and About Us. It acknowledges Search Engines and Users about your content.
4. You should provide enough metadata like description and keywords to the search engines so that your page gets indexed at the top.

Just remember one thing, CONTENT is the KING. If you provide quality content to the users, you will be definitely somewhere at the top. Along with these tips, make sure to share your posts on Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Make a site-map and submit it to the webmasters.

I Hope this information helps. Make sure to comment below if you come across any doubts or suggestions. Thank you.

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